Compassionate Care Services

Providing tailored NDIS services in Sydney

Assist Life Stage, Transition

Offers support during major life transitions, such as moving into a new home or starting a job, to reduce stress and help participants adapt smoothly to changes in their lives.

Assist Personal Activities

Provides support with daily personal tasks such as bathing, dressing, and eating, empowering participants to maintain their dignity, self-reliance, and quality of life.

Assist Prod- Pres Care & Safety

Provides assistive products designed to support personal care and safety needs, such as mobility aids, shower chairs, or safety alarms. These products enhance participants' independence, promote safety, and improve their overall quality of life.

Assist Travel & Transport

Offers assistance with transportation for participants to attend appointments, community events, or school, enhancing their mobility, independence, and access to essential services.

Daily Tasks & Shared Living

Supports participants in shared living arrangements by helping with daily tasks and fostering independence. This service builds essential skills while providing a supportive and collaborative living environment.

Innov Community Participation

Provides tailored support to engage in creative, educational, or skill-building community activities. It encourages social inclusion, develops new skills, and strengthens connections within the community.

Development Life Skills

Delivers training in essential life skills like budgeting, cooking, and communication. This service empowers participants to lead more independent, confident, and fulfilling lives.

Plan Management

Assists with domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping to ensure a clean, safe, and comfortable living environment, reducing stress for participants.

Assistive Prod Household Task

Provides assistive equipment that helps participants efficiently perform household tasks, increasing their independence and minimizing physical strain.

Participate Community

Assists participants in accessing social, recreational, and civic activities within the community. This fosters confidence, builds social networks, and creates a sense of belonging.

Household Tasks

Manages NDIS funds by assisting with budgeting and provider payments. This service simplifies financial management while ensuring transparency and accountability.

Specialised Disability Accommodation

Provides housing tailored to meet the specific needs of participants with significant functional impairments, ensuring a safe and accessible living space.

Group & Center Activities

Facilitates group activities such as art, music, or fitness programs in a supportive setting, encouraging social interaction, skill development, and mental well-being.